Patio with Natural Flags in Blanchardstown, Dublin

Blanchardstown, Dublin, IrelandJob Details
This was a quick patio project, completed by Select Paving in Blanchardstown, Dublin.
We dug out the area and laid a new hardcore 804 foundation and weed control membrane. After compacting it down we installed a Charcoal paved border around the perimeter of the patio.
We laid the patio with square Natural Grey flags.
Check out our website to find more info about our patio services in Dublin. Our team at Select Paving is looking forward to hearing from you soon.
The work was: Patio in Blanchardstown, Dublin, Ireland
Work Done: Removed The Garden, New Base Foundation Installed, Lowered The Levels, Paving Border Installed, Membrane Weed Block
Surfacing Material: Classic Flag