New Patio and Driveway in Crumlin, Dublin

Crumlin, Dublin, IrelandJob Details
This driveway and patio project has been recently completed by Select Paving in Crumlin, Dublin.
For the driveway we used Rustic cobblestone paving with Silver granite borderline and for the patio we used silver granite Classic flagstones with black granite borderline.
Select Paving are professional and affordable patio contractors in Dublin with many years of experience.
The work was: Driveway, Patio in Crumlin, Dublin, Ireland
Work Done: Excavated And Removed The Area, Extended The Area As Agreed, New Base Foundation Installed, Installed New Recessed Covers To Replace Manhole Covers, Flagstones, Machine Rolled Base
Surfacing Material: Block Paving, Classic Flag