Asphalt Driveway with New Wall and Brick Pillars in Santry, Dublin

Santry, Dublin, IrelandJob Details
Here we have a newly completed project by Select Paving - an asphalt driveway with a cobblestone borderline, raised flower beds, a new wall on the left-hand side and, as a cherry on top, two new brick pillars with copping anchoring the entrance.
The work was: Driveway in Santry, Dublin, Ireland
Work Done: Excavated And Removed The Area, Extended The Area As Agreed, Removed The Garden, New Base Foundation Installed, Built-Up The Levels, New Walling Built, Natural Stone Border, New Step(s), New Flowerbeds, Built Brick Pillars
Surfacing Material: Asphalt, Brickwalling, Granite Cobbles